Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 14:

I was very excited today when I heard that the manager of the store liked my handwriting and asked that I be the one to address several envelopes for her. I know this doesn’t sound very exciting, but it made me feel important and useful. The envelopes that I will be addressing are for an invitation that is being sent out to several clients.

Today I was asked to fill out a fairly large approbation for a photo shoot. A magazine would like to use our jewelry for a photo shoot from today until Saturday. I had to gather the jewelry, write the approbation and help to have it sent out.

Today, I had to walk to the company that owns Asprey with my sponsor for a meeting. The meeting was to discuss the upcoming events this summer. There are two very important events that are going to take place, and for the past three weeks that I’ve been here, we have been working on them. Today I had to photo copy a few different items and then file them. I am usually asked to make copies of several different magazines that have our products in them. For instance, we saw Kristin Davis in a magazine with our handbag. We need to make a copy of this and keep it on file because when clients come in and ask for the bag that Kristin David has, we need to immediately know what they are talking about.

Today was my second to last day and my last night in New York City. I can’t believe that my last day of work is tomorrow!

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