Friday, May 23, 2008

Last Day of Senior Project!

Today was my last day of work! I can hardly believe it! Today I did not have that much to do, however, I was able to work on my self-reflection essay, which was very helpful. I had the ability to go over my last three weeks with my sponsor and discuss how everything went. We also had a chance to look for pictures, event, books, magazine or anything that would be useful for my project.

Today I had to write down about 25 different addresses to envelopes that were being sent out to clients. It was an invitation for a certain event. The manager of the store really liked my handwriting, and she asked that I write all of them. This made me feel really good. Today I also wrote two different approbations. I sent a package to another store with wallets and belts. I then had to finish up with the jewelry approbation and have that sent out.

My day was very relaxing. It felt nice to be able to look over everything I’ve done and get everything organized for my presentation! I got to leave work today by about one o’clock because I had to catch a train to leave the city. It was very sad saying goodbye to everyone at work; I am really going to miss them! I am excited to get home and graduate but at the same time, I am very sad to be leaving my past three weeks. I had a wonderful senior project and I felt that everything went very smooth! I cannot wait to share my experiences with everyone!

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