Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day 9:

I had an extremely eventful day today! When I got to work, the store had many jobs for me to complete.

Today, I worked on a huge project which involved working in the stock room. I spent a couple of hours with someone else, going through a bunch of clothing such as dresses and jackets, that will eventually be sent out to the other store. All of this clothing had just come back from a previous event, and we had to check it off to make sure it was all still there. As we were checking it off, we realized there were two pairs of gold pants missing. We then had to go back through all the clothing, through different boxes and spent a good chunk of time looking for these pants. My boss eventually went on her email and realized that both pairs of gold pants were at another store and they were already taken care of. We then had to go back to the stock room and put all of the clothing back in order, pack it into boxes and then have it shipped out. This process took a very long time for there were a lot of clothes, shoes, and packaging!

After this project, I was asked to take notes on this website that my boss would later send to a client, which explained the company and how it came to be. Today I filled out an appro for an envelope that was sent out. Later, I had to gather a few pieces of “rose” jewelry, which included a diamond rose pendant, diamond rose earrings and diamond rose pins. I had to create another appro for all of this jewelry because it was being sent out for a photo shoot. I wrote the appro, gathered the jewelry, packed it up and had it sent out with one of the guys at the store. Today was pretty eventful for me, and full of all different tasks. I can’t wait to see what I am doing tomorrow!!

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